Friday 30 October 2015

Moving Out Symposium Live Blog 8: Chris Fremantle

Art in Hospitals

Who is the author of the art work?
Hospitals only put out work made by patients.
The patient is capable of challenging their status as an object by making art.

What are the users' needs?
Patient dignity informing an interior design project.
To connect with patients' everyday life.
Removing Disney stuff from the walls of kids' wards
The personal stories of staff worked into illustrations around the hospital.

Is equality the same as democracy?
Citizen Control
Delegated Power
Participation is often marked by a small number of people getting very closely involved

Mention: Matarasso A Restless Art 2015
art and participation are not the same in their effect... what does art do specially?

Kester, The One and the Many 2011
successful projects... non-hierachical, critical self-reflection, cultivate solidarity, pragmatic openness to site and situation

Where is authority and why?
Is there something distinctively art?
How does it relate to shared concerns?
Are there wider lessons from sited work?

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