Anyway: tops tips for The Fringe? You know I know... you say you are bringing your girlfriend? So two people will hate me if I suggest a flop...
Daggers MacKenzie
Do I need to say anymore? It's called Daggers MacKenzie. Well, the performer used to be in a rocking band (do people still say 'rocking'?), and the story is full of wild west high jinks.
Plus, there are daggers getting chucked about. Won't that remind you of your time in Dundee?
Satan Speaks
It's the Fringe: if there was ever going to be a chance for the prince of darkness to walk abroad and not be noticed, it has to be Edinburgh in August. Just watch out for any flyers that you might pick up: your soul for an hour of good comedy can feel like a bargain.
But as Satan himself insists, he does not exist anyway. But going dark for a few hours won't hurt (and the promotional video suggests that this might be a witty monologue, theology aside).
Clout: Feast
Cast n'er a clout, til the Fringe be out. These Lecoq trained anarchists (aesthetically, not politically, Mr Cameron) are having a slap-up this year. So that means cannibalism is on the menu. Probably not one to see before you've had whatever food you manage to pick up between shows, but a company who are showing how the British can adapt the French style (although the company has members from around the world). Take that, UKIP.
I don't know if you have the same enthusiasm that I have for super-heroics but this is something like my dream production. There are super-heroes and dancing. It's avant-garde but feeds from comic culture. Contemporary dance is tough enough already, but add in a tale of people with powers and cool outfits...

Blake Remixed
I might have picked this one, but the PR has not replied to my repeated email. So, maybe, if you like Blake's poetry?
Anyway, if you like any of these, pick one, and I can do another top five based on it... you know, like 'if you like this, then...'
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