@ZOO (venue 124): Aviary
2.00pm (50 mins) 4 – 28 August (not 09 & 16)
Stay tuned and follow Fancy Glitter Fanciulla on Tour without the Band on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ fancyglitterfanciulla/
Tickets available here:
Fancy Glitter Fanciulla rocks the stage with everything she has: movement, words and singing; all with the help of her little partner in crime: a mandolin-banjo called Mandy. Rock'n'roll in all its facets. Un universo splendido da scoprire!
What was the inspiration for this performance?
Fancy Glitter Fanciulla (the character of the show) is my inspiration. The idea of creating a performance with this figure has accompanied me for already more than 5 years. As soon as I enter in the role of Fancy Glitter Fanciulla, the inspiration and creativity is awake. I enjoy it a lot becoming her on stage, playing with the audience. This enjoyment gave me also the courage to finally create Fancy Glitter Fanciulla on Tour without the Band as a full evening’s program.
Is performance still a good space for the public discussion of ideas?
Yes. Performance space is a safe space. It’s like an agreement between performers and spectators at the moment the performance starts. I think you can present weird, funny, crazy ideas, enter into new spaces and the audience accept it in a more open way. Because it’s not their reality, it’s a show with components of reality. They see and feel things they probably would never experience out of a space like this. So it’s a wonderful way to awake the thoughts and inspiration of people.
How did you become interested in making performance?
It started already when I was a very young girl. As soon as I had the ability to speak, move and certain autonomy I started to create and perform. It’s my way of expression.
Is there any particular approach to the making of the show?
Yes. For the process of creation I started to improvise as the character. In the beginning of the rehearsals I talked a lot, to find out more about the story, the way of thinking and behaviour, also about the voice of the character.
I started to move in a very different way while being Fancy Glitter Fanciulla. So ideas came up and I refined them, in a more technical way, and also I worked out the adventurous stories of her life she tells to the audience – because Fancy Glitter Fanciulla has a tendency to talk a lot, sometimes too much. As creator I have to step then sometimes out of the role and look for the essence, keep up the tension and the crispness. I created different numbers.
But from the very beginning I wanted to connect this numbers and create a story. Fancy Glitter Fanciullas Story. The character is the golden thread leading through the play. It’s a fusion of theatre, cabaret and circus.
Does the show fit with your usual productions?
It’s my first full evening’s program. But yes, it’s definitely the way I create. As a graduate of Academia Teatro Dimitri – A school for physical theatre in the Italian part of Switzerland, I have the capacity to combine different ways of expression and make my own out of this.
The creation of a character, storytelling, movement (acrobatics, dance, yoga), playing a Mandolin-Banjo, singing, different skills as hula hoop and rollerskates, all this and much more you will see in Fancy Glitter Fanciulla on Tour without the Band.
What do you hope that the audience will experience?
I hope that they will feel as comfortable spending time with Fancy Glitter Fanciulla as I feel, playing her. So together we can create a good atmosphere. Which for me is essential. During the 50 minutes of the performance I wish that the spectators let themselves surprise and that they can enter completely in the fantastic, unique and funny universe of Fancy Glitter Fanciulla.
What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
I involve the spectators in the show. Take their hands, stay with the audience and lead them through the performance. But also, surprise them in unexpected ways. They should ask themselves in a positively curious way, what will happen next? This makes the experience.
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