Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Techno Glitter Dramaturgy: Nicole Henriksen @ Edfringe 2016

Techno Glitter Penguins is a new chapter of absurd, high-energy, pro-femme comedy. It's deranged characters and witty stand up comedy elements are an unapologetic antidote to the digestible monotony of the white and male mainstream. No jokes about toasters, tinder, and almond milk. 

What was the inspiration for this performance?
Techno Glitter Penguins is inspired by my disdain for the monotony of the straight, white, and male mainstream of comedy, and my burning want to provide an alternative to that. Shouting in my the poncho my mum made for me is what this world needs. Alternative comedy at its finest, obvs babes.

How did you go about gathering the team for it?
The team is just me so luckily I was available for the gig.

How did you become interested in making performance?
Many a moon ago, when I was a wee lass, my mind was busted
open by The Mighty Boosh, and I realised comedy didn't have to be complaining about petrol prices. And the more I became part of the comedy world, the more I wanted to create shows for those who didn't feel mainstream comedy was for them, and of course allow me to sing songs about the inevitability of death.

Was your process typical of the way that you make a performance?
In terms of my comedy shows, I write down ideas as they come to me throughout the year or so, trying out new material as I get the chance, and I smush the best bits together into a show when the time is right, and the air is thin, on a mountain top in the spring time.

What do you hope that the audience will experience?
My favourite response to Techno Glitter Penguins is people feeling that it was a truly original show and something that made them feel heard and included. So if it's not too grand, I'd love everyone to walk away feeling some of that.

What strategies did you consider towards shaping this audience experience?
I'm always working to be more considerate of the audience and people's boundaries, if someone seems keen, then I'll work with them to create a unique moment, but if they're not up for involvement and I sense that, I often won't engage them outside of a compliment to let them know they're welcome in this space and I won't make them uncomfortable. Like any good art I want to comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.

Do you see your work within any particular tradition?
I'm aware of the history and tradition of alternative comedy, but that doesn't really inform my work. I'm often more inspired by works of live theatre, TV drama, visual art, or simply having to sit through someone else's mediocre comedy show.

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