Art, Participation and the City
Producer on Arts and Healthcare Environment Projects
Chris' take on the area
He's got 'more hats than a hat shop'.
SITED project
A time limited research programme.
sited work of equal value to work in official spaces*
across all art forms
temporary is valued by artists/ permanent by commissioners
artists and producers talk about contexts and behaviours
has visual art appropriated other art forms over the past 50 years?
SITED avoided this by having artists from different forms.
*Note: Glasgow Turner Prize winners all did sited work but were nominated for gallery based work. Does this imply the TP values gallery work over sited.
Note: is The Stag, The Cheviot... a sited based work?
Note: do sited work artists enjoy risk and uncertainty?
Sited work has outgrown art-form led art-form led policy and needs a cross-artform frame
previously, sited work was a subset of visual art (in Creative Scotland categories, anyway)
Place and identity are central but need to be questioned
Sited work offers important new ways of working for 'official' spaces
Producers have a key role, but this is insufficiently understood
compare to 'knowledge exchange' - what does it mean?
Note: is sited work 'doing good'?
What does 'doing good' actually mean? Is it useful to think in such a simplistic way?
Note: Project led focus denies strategic thinking
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