Current Trends in the UK
Specifically England... a brief history
Many great street arts festivals in the 1990s (v performance based) e.g. Streets of Brighton
Input of European companies into UK festivals
Inspired UK companies
NEWLANDSCAPES David Micklamace 2008
Street Theatre became Outdoors Arts
More funding opportunities
A community developed
ISAN formed to lobby
NASA a group for artists
Festival Consortia (e.g. GI20, Global Streets)
Joint commissioning (led to diverse arts events outdoors)
Joint touring networks
International collaborations
Strategic touring funding (finding areas of low cultural engagement)
Companies have become more interested in working outdoors, including choreographers.
Big spectacles are less common than they used to be.
Note: how is emerging/ work in progress presented? Is it clearly sign-posted within the festival context?
When a work comes into an area that is not used to it, how does the work have any legacy - no parachuting work and artists into an area... get long term about the relationships.
Increase in winter events (e.g. White Night)
Increase in site specific generally
Live Artists using public spaces
Closer relationship with urban planning and architects
Digital Technologies and Public Spaces
New Public Space? New Audience? An Evolution?
Vile Note: How does this increase relate the commodification of public space? Is culture an occupying force or a collaborator
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