ROBOCRITIC: Self is not comfortable with this. Self sees numbers as absolute and Vile rejects such notion.
MAD CYRIL: Right, shut it. Vile. Two stars means a good kicking for the production. Time to getting chucking the dustbins through the windows.
GARETH: No. I hate two starring shows... but what it is... It means that I think the work has failed in its intention. That doesn't mean it is rubbish... if the bar is set high, then it could be a noble failure.
ROBOCRITIC: Other selves only observe rating. Not content.
GARETH: I understand why an artist would be upset at two stars. And I have done a Mad Cyril on a few shows... I regret that...
MAD CYRIL: Never regret it, mate. The crowd loves to watch a good beating.
GARETH: Well, I don't want to be giving them. I have to account for my life to God.
ROBOCRITIC: Self rejects notion of God or judgement.
GARETH: Look, I have two starred one show that I think is morally righteous, but falls short of theatrical effectiveness. And another that - I gave three stars to a show that is a bit racist...
ROBOCRITIC: Either racist or not. Zero sum game.
GARETH: And sometimes I even enjoy the two stars better than the three... good bits, or a winning character...
MAD CYRIL: Comes down to who you think you are addressing. If you are talking to the acts, then a two star is saying - keep at it, but you're not ready for prime time... if it's the audience, then you are giving them a fair warning that they might not get their money's worth.
ROBOCRITIC: Difference between two and three stars can lie in subjectivity of self. Humans are variable. Taste. Such things.
MAD CYRIL: Yeah, but if an act gets upset at three stars, then they are being weak. Grow up, kids.
GARETH: But... what about the one star show...
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