Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Luca Wu & Reverse Context @ Edfringe 2015

Luca Wu and Reverse Context Live

theSpace @ Symposium Hall (Venue 43) 
17/29 August 
(duration 1 hour)

In contrasts we see change and creativity: light and dark, yin and yang, Luca Wu and Reverse Context.

Two diverse musicians alternating on stage, sharing the same band and a standard of excellence, presenting a complex, yet captivating mosaic of music landscapes and songs to the backdrop of projected images and videos tailor-made for their Fringe debut: yes, you are going to be spoilt.

Luca Wu is an eclectic singer/songwriter, pianist and composer with a captivating pop/rock sound and a wide international experience. 

Born in Italy, based in London, Luca has lived and worked in China where he has a substantial and loyal following.

Reverse Context is a composer, singer/songwriter active in the international arena of avant-garde arts, performing at festivals of such importance as the Venice Biennale. He expertly blends influences spanning from experimental electronic music to alternative rock.

Leave the incessant cacophony of words that the Edinburgh Fringe can be and enter this welcoming stream of contrasting cascading notes: you’ll be happy you did! 

What inspired this production: did you begin with an idea or a
script or an object?
We were inspired by the idea of creating a show in which our songs and personal styles could coexist side-by-side.

Why bring your work to Edinburgh?
Edinburgh and the Fringe are famous for having a particularly refined and curious audience…or so we are told…can you confirm, please?
What can the audience expect to see and feel - or even think - of your production?
The fact that the show will see two composers/singer­-songwriters performing in alternation offering a rich palette of musical landscapes makes of it an unique and intense visual-acoustic experience. It's a unique itinerary designed to guide the audience in a narrative music-driven.

The Dramaturgy Questions

How would you explain the relevance - or otherwise - of dramaturgy within your work?
Luca Wu & Reverse: Our show is a concert, but nevertheless there is a journey to be undertaken, using music as a guide.

What particular traditions and influences would you acknowledge on your work -  have any particular artists, or genres inspired you and do you see yourself within their tradition?
Both of us has always been strongly inspired by Anglo-American pop-rock and are classically trained. A few names: Luca Wu – Elton John, Billy Joel, Queen, Genesis, Pink Floyd; Reverse Context: Radiohead, Bjork….how do we get along nobody knows, but we do.

Do you have a particular process of making that you could describe - where it begins, how you develop it, and whether there is any collaboration in the process?
Each one of us composers wrote his pieces on his own. Then we selected the songs we thought could fit better in the show, and we worked jointly on the visual projections that will be an integral part of it.

What do you feel the role of the audience is, in terms of making the meaning of your work? 
The audience's energy is fundamental for the show. Their response to our artistic output contributes heavily to a powerful performance and makes every concert different.

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