Tuesday, 21 July 2015

Brewing up some Dramaturgy: Marc Brew @ Edfringe 2015

The Fringe

What inspired this production: did you begin with an idea or a script or an object?
Marc Brew:I felt it was the moment in my life post car accident 18 years to share my up close and personal experience of the journey of acceptance of rediscovering my body and claiming ownership of who I am and my disability. For now, I am….

Why bring your work to the  Edinburgh Fringe?
I have always wanted to present my work at the fringe as felt it was a great platform to present work to a wider audience and international promoters but have never been successful with funding to present work at the fringe but felt this work was particularly important and a personal investment I was willing to risk  take for the work to be seen at the Edinburgh Fringe.

What can the audience expect to see and feel - or even think - of your production?

A personal experience they can relate to that is honest and moving with beautiful imagery capitulating the journey we experience through life.

The Dramaturgy Questions

How would you explain the relevance - or otherwise - of dramaturgy within your work?
 Very relevant. It was important for me to ensure the the meaning and concept was threaded through the work. I had something to say and wanted to share my story so its important dramaturgically that the audience are able to relate to the work.

What particular traditions and influences would you acknowledge on your work -  have any particular artists, or genres inspired you and do you see yourself within their tradition?
I come from a traditional background of classical ballet and contemporary dance that has informed my artistry but as a creator I look for clear imagery and creating atmospheres/environments that are real and honest, humane that people can relate to.

Do you have a particular process of making that you could describe - where it begins, how you develop it, and whether there is any collaboration in the process?
 It starts with the concept/idea that I have and am interested in exploring. I then bring on board a creative team to collaborate with me to research and develop the idea/concept and then we make the work he work together and feed of each other creatively to make the best work we can.

What do you feel the role of the audience is, in terms of making the meaning of your work? 

The audience is important to me. I want them to have an experience and feel something, to be moved and question, to discuss and think about the work they have had been present to experience.

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