Saturday, 20 June 2015

Dramaturgy blows the whistle: Aidan Killan @ Edfringe 2015

 “The truth will set you free (whistleblowers excluded)”

These are the questions Aidan Killian, "Ireland's Hottest Comedian" (One World Chronicle), asks in The Holy Trinity of Whistleblowers, his passion-fueled new show that’s set to spark fires and inspire audiences at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival.

In 2014, Aidan took on religion with his Jesus Versus Buddha show, with the running theme of "The truth will set you free." 

Unfortunately, this doesn’t seem to be the case for Julian Assange, Private Manning or Edward Snowden. Such is the theme of Whistleblowers, an eye-opening show that questions authority and challenges audiences to put themselves in the shoes of Assange and his fellow messengers. 

Simultaneously, Aidan challenges himself by tackling such controversial issues as war crimes, global corruption, Israel-Palestine and government spying, all while sending ripples of laughter throughout his engaged audiences.

About Aidan
“I want to push boundaries, challenge minds, open hearts…and I suppose a few laughs would be good too.” – Aidan Killian

Aidan is a spirited and charismatic comedian who has been compared to Russell Brand and Tommy Tiernan by Chortle. His intelligent, impassioned and hilarious rants have sold out theatres in New York, London and all over Asia. Aidan is renowned for his thought-provoking, finely-honed material and tenacious, yet charming delivery.

"Tremendously engaging…Nothing else compare with this." – Chortle ****

Aidan takes stand-up to the next level, using humour as a vessel by which to deliver positive messages of truth and compassion. What you see in this show will stay with you forever; you will never again view the news in the same light.
The Fringe

What inspired this production: did you begin with an idea or a script or an object?
Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden have inspired me with their courage. They risked their lives to share truth with the world and ultimately are being sacrificed for it. I dedicate this show to them.

Why bring your work to Edinburgh?
I love Edinburgh Fringe. I will be doing what I love everyday and will get to share the same stage as some of the greats like Simon Munnery and Phil Kay, I will get to drink with one of the great (drinkers) Bob Slayer, I will get to sneak off to Roslyn to hang out in nature and re-energise myself. It will be a month of fun, work and madness. I will overcome the highs and lows of triumphs and disasters, stand strong in the face of reviews and I will dream of winning the perrier / fosters cup and drink dom perignon down in the Edinburgh dungeons with it.

What can the audience expect to see and feel - or even think - of your production?
Their minds and hearts will be blown open. They will definitely laugh; some will leave and some will cry and it will leave an impact on the lives of those who watch it. This show will bring you through a roller coaster of emotions, you will learn more than from a year of watching the BBC news and feel good in the knowledge that you are not indirectly supporting the protection of knighted paedophiles.

The Dramaturgy Questions
How would you explain the relevance - or otherwise - of dramaturgy within your work?
Without the art of drama on stage the audience would not be able to enter the journey along with the story teller, their laughs would be lighter and they could even commit the mortal sin of stage and get bored. 

Dramaturgy brings me, the show and the audience members into a symbiotic dance where together we can become united in an adventurous journey together where ultimately we have a chance of digging deeper into the mysteries of this thing called life. 

What particular traditions and influences would you acknowledge on your work - have any particular artists, or genres inspired you and do you see yourself within their tradition?
Bill Hicks, George Carlin, Lenny Bruce, Socrates, Oscar Wilde, Jesus, Buddha and basically anyone who speaks their truth. I am not really in their tradition I am simply inspired to keep peeling back the layers of shite and get closer and closer to universal truth.

Do you have a particular process of making that you could describe - where it begins, how you develop it, and whether there is any collaboration in the process?
Yeh I know I need a title and an ending and once I can do that I can find the rest of the show, sometimes it just comes to me but mostly I have to work hard on each and every line. 

Once I get the title I can see some sort of structure taking place. I like to get the ending and then work backwards, removing each sentence, each word that is not needed... getting closer and closer to the essence of each bit. I work with my mate Carl, often in the park or over a non-alcoholic beer. 

Sometimes we piss ourselves laughing and everything flows and other times it is a battle. I once even punched him in the face.... eh by mistake ... ahem. Watching the piece of art take its form fills me with joy and makes all the other nonsense of the world seem less important.

What do you feel the role of the audience is, in terms of making the meaning of your work? 
They need to turn up, be present and not be complete morons.

Are there any questions that you feel I have missed out that would help me to understand how dramaturgy works for you?
Not sure but if u think of anything send away

Happiness to you and the rest of the humans.... even the dodgy ones.

BY:: aidan : killian

Edinburgh Fringe Festival, August 2015:

Venue: Heroes @ the Hive, Venue 313 (The Bunka), 15-17 Niddry Street.

Dates: August 7th – 31st (excluding 18th)

Time: 14:30 (50 mins duration)

Watch Aidan’s previous shows and keep up to date with his blog and schedule at:

Connect with Aidan via Twitter: @aidankillian and Facebook:

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