Broken Biscuits is a poignant and timely piece of theatre detailing the devastating effects of war on the families who are left behind. Trisha Duffy’s debut play mixes heartbreak and humour in a play that raises vital questions about the support given to our troops and their family.
“We never ask for anything in this life and I know my friends and friends of friends would never want any accolade or reward… you know who the real heroes are (beside the fallen)… it’s the mothers, fathers, sons and daughters, brothers, sisters and loved ones who are left behind and have to continue in life… it is heart wrenching for them.” - serving soldier in Afghanistan
Two mother’s of soldiers, life-long friends, torn apart by a devastating tragedy. Rita(Glaswegian actress Leanne Martin) and Maggie’s (Jane Hogarth) sons were best friends, joined up together, trained together, went to war together.
But when Rita’s son James is killed in Afghanistan saving the life of his brother-in-arms grief tears the two mother’s 20 year friendship apart, can this relationship survive and will school girl Molly (Louise Garcia) really understand the turmoil the two friends find themselves in?
“Get ready for an emotional ride, one of the theatrical surprises of this year” - Made Up Liverpool
“Get ready for an emotional ride, one of the theatrical surprises of this year” - Made Up Liverpool
Space on the Mile at The Radisson Blu (Space 1) – Venue 39
7:20pm (55mins)
Show Dates
24th – 29th August
Ticket Price
£10 (£8)
Box Office
0131 510 2382
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