Thursday, 5 February 2015

Atheists on course 'to be as annoying as Christians' by 2016

Some random Facebook group that thinks pretty pictures of outer space represent scientific thinking have announced their plans to make atheists as irritating as the major Judeo-Christian religions by January 2016. In a move that has surprised some in the anti-theist community, this random Facebook group is intending to step up its evangelical activity. 

IHATEGOD27, a blogger and atheist who almost completed a degree in philosophy, made the bold claim in his popular YouTube programme JESUS IS A SKANK!!!! Noting the exponential growth of atheists willing to speak up for their belief in a howling void of nothingness in a universe lacking meaning or morality, IHATEGOD27 paused from shouting at a feminist to set out his campaign.

'Originally,' he shouted, 'atheism was a rationalist response to the vague claims of theology, and an effective opposition to the entrenched interests of the various religious organisations that dominated public life. With an emphasis on thinking for oneself, scientific analysis and rejected unsubstantiated metaphysical claims, it could justifiably be called an intelligent interpretation of the universe as we experience it.'

'Luckily, thanks to the work of the likes of The Amazing Atheist, or
the twee little videos from the British Humanist Society, a statement of disbelief in a deity has become a badge of honour for the kind of people who would once have boasted about their dogmatic allegiance to fundamentalist Christianity.'

IHATEGOD27's fellow vlogger FU_CKUFEMENIST added, 'There are, of course, atheists who are polite and base their position on thoughtful analysis, respect other beliefs and are able to argue their case. Fortunately, we'll be able to obscure them with a campaign full of emotive appeals, pictures of nebulae and Stephen Fry.'  

Stephen Fry, although unavailable for comment, is clearly a key figure in this atheist campaign. Following his interview on Irish TV, the Catholic Church has admitted their has been an exodus from the priesthood.

'I know it's a cheap joke,' said one ex-priest who wished to remain anonymous. 'But seeing Fry going about and acting like a public intellectual did make me question why a loving God would allow it. I wouldn't mind if it was Hugh Laurie, because he has a better dress sense and isn't a rent-a-quote smart-ass who still uses religious language to address major issues.'

Fry is no stranger to controversy: before telling God off for making cancer, he was brave enough to condemn the killings at Charlie Hebdo and make this video about how brilliant death is.

IHATEGOD27, meanwhile, is hoping to get Fry on board with his campaign. 'Fry is, like, the atheist son of God. Only, whereas Jesus is a magic man who doesn't exist, Stephen became our saviour the hard way: by going to Oxbridge and getting a job in the media. He really stands out as the face of atheism.'

The current Pope, who has made some friends in the liberal community by respecting other opinions and being humble, is said to be delighted at the news, although he did say he might go and punch someone in the chops.

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