Sunday, 25 January 2015


A new theatre production that sees mediators resolving a dispute on stage between actors debuts at the Hen and Chickens Theatre, Highbury on February 18th.

Dispute, the world’s first live mediation theatre production, sees improvising actors playing people locked in a range of compelling high-stakes real-world disputes. Between the two sides are two professional mediators who run the show exactly like a real-life mediation. The outcome is entirely uncertain and unscripted.

Mediator Maria Arpa, who will be on stage with her partner David Ellis, said: “Our production takes you, quite literally, into the heart of the drama unfolding on the stage. The actors are given all they need to understand their own positions and play that part. The rest is entirely up to us as we move through the unfolding dispute between the actors and attempt to steer it towards a satisfying final scene.”

Neighbours at war, family break-ups, business deals gone wrong, warring staff, gang conflicts and more will be covered during the show’s run at the North London theatre. All are based on fascinating true stories of conflict that are explored and resolved through the mediation process live on stage. Human interactions will be on display at their most challenging, their most real and their most subtle.

Maria Arpa said: “It’s like improv on steroids. Our cast have carte blanche to react as they feel they would if they were their characters in a real life dispute. In the throes of a real dispute there is no option other than to be authentic and it will be fascinating to see in-character actors become their characters in strangely overwhelming ways.”

Because the drama is mediated, the outcome is utterly unpredictable and can reach creative and surprising solutions that no court on earth could arrive at.

Although the performance’s principal purpose is to serve as a piece
of theatre that entertains and engages the audience, the co-mediators hope that the value of the principles of mediation will make an impression on the audience and lead to higher levels of awareness of the benefits of alternative dispute resolution.

Mediators Maria Arpa and David Ellis run a charity that promotes nonviolent communication and conflict resolution.

Over more than 15 years, they have co-mediated over 250 cases and trained around 2,000 people. They have intervened in conflicts that range from Street Gang threats to life and board room tussles. Their charity, the Centre for Peaceful Solutions, provides mediation, alternative dispute resolution, nonviolent communication and restorative practices in families, businesses, workplaces and communities. The charity specialises in sharing conflict resolution skills with people who are excluded, marginalised and hard-to-reach.

Dispute is produced and directed by Chris Head. Chris is a comedy director, script editor, mentor, writer and trainer with an international reputation.

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