Wednesday, 7 January 2015

Hardcore Analysis Comic Time #1

And so, I apologise to Hannah Berry. I have hacked her work up here, and not for the purposes of savage mockery. I have been pondering how time works in comics - and am trying to prove that the artist dictates the pace, through use of speech bubbles and panel positioning.

And even in this simple panel format, Berry is an expert in this.
Here's my first analysis. The blue line divide the comic from the critique.

I am interesting in whether that visual approach makes sense... I am only saying something obvious, that the speech of the bird explains how long each panel last... which gives the Troll's replies a sense of ssssssssssssssssssssssllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssss.

Now, here it is re-panelled as dialectic.

 Okay, it gets the difference between bird and troll, and the pacing, but loses the narrative. 

Now I am going to emphasise the passage of time, through the magic of paint. 

 If you like comics, Hannah Berry will be at Sunderland Comic Con. And her webpage - she is working hard at expanding the content of sequential art, as well as being good with time. Her washes are distinctive too. But please don't mention that I have been abusing her work like this. 

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