Tuesday, 9 December 2014

The Blog Roll Of Fame: Scotland 2014 (Actors)

As inevitable as hearing Slade throughout December, the festive period is time for all good magazines to list their highlights of the year. In a desperate bid for attention, I am rolling out my favourite bits and pieces.

However, there is one difference to my list. Rather than use the traditional numbering, I am using the Fibonacci sequence. 

And I am accepting nominations for further posts, too. But to start, here are four. sorry five (and this hasn't been changed because I got confused and thought someone else was in Slope at all) favourite actors, from Scotland...

1. Andy Clark
He grew a beard for Three Sisters and played a sexy sailor: a week later he was a starving, delinquent artist in Colquhoun and McBride. This month he is in pantomime at MacRobert. Versatile, good humoured and charismatic, Andy can now be forgiven for being in The Da Vinci Code film. 

1. Sally Reid
Sally has proven her comic chops - mainly through Johnny
McKnight's pantomimes, but also in a few NTS productions. This year, however, she did sensual woman in Three Sisters, bringing the frustrations and hidden passions of small-town life to the stage. I think she's been on TV too, but I am too busy to know or research that. 

2. Keith Fleming
He has become the go-to guy for rugged masculinity - being a right bastard in Miss Julie and making the critics go gushy for his brand of hard-man energy. It's odd - he's lovely in real life and nothing like the opportunist swordsman he often plays, which is why it was a treat seeing him do the comedy man-child with frightening mother issues in a recent Play, Pie and A Pint.

3. Jenny Hulse
When I was looking for images, I realised that Jenny Hulse had
been in The Authorised Kate Bane, which I enjoyed. However, it is her work in The Voice Thief that gets her on this list - not that I have seen it, yet. But Lorna Irvine said it was an amazing work that satisfied both the needs of children and the adults seeking a deeper meaning.

5. Jessica Hardwick
 She gets in this roll because of a superb performance in Slope: from naif to determined wife, she stole the show from the two silly poets - a tough act, given how good they were too - in a final scene where she comes on as a deus ex machina, cleaning shit with the skill of Harvey Keitel in Pulp Fiction.

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