Today I am pondering crowdfunding. The Vile Blog, and its mixcloud, and its show on Subcity, have all become a massive project - not only am I experimenting with forms of critique, I'm documenting most of the performance that comes through Glasgow in one way or another. I want to take the Vile Arts to the Edinburgh Fringe, and I want to move up to making podcasts.
The real investment on my part has always been time, and I want to see whether I can be supported to continue my work. By crowdfunding it, I can invest in some new technology, put time aside to make work, and provide an alternative voice within the Fringe.
This post is a feeler. Any advice would be welcome.
Alternatively, if you want to invest in me directly.... it's Big businesses - how wonderful would it look if the podcast had your name on it?
Crowdfunding works best as a pre-order for goods these days. That way you can secure funding for a project with a defined start and end, and a visible result for all investors and the public. Using it to fund projects like you describe, now that dicks like Zach Braff dominate the media's coverage of KS, is almost impossible unless you already have a well-established reputation. If you run a KS like you describe for VileArts and it works, that could suggest you;ve built up a loyal and supportive enough following - and knowing that, either way, could be useful. For my part, I'll only use KS for pre-orders now... don;t want to risk a failed project.