Tuesday, 8 April 2014

£400,000 to boost youth arts provision in Aberdeen and the North East

Although I love churning out press releases (it keeps the blog alive when I am too busy making post-visual theatre), I don't often celebrate the activities of Creative Scotland. I am, however, pretty pleased to hear that CS is giving '£400,000m support to help boost youth arts provision in Aberdeen and the North East.'

It is part of Scotland’s National Youth Arts Strategy Time To Shine and will be used to create a network of nine regional Youth Arts Hubs across the country.

I wasn't that impressed with the Time To Shine comic book (made by Metaphrog, it was a bit simplistic and assumed that the comic book is an 'easier' medium to express ideas. Until Creative Scotland start supporting the Scottish comic book industry with cash, it seems a bit cheeky to expect it to help present its agenda).

But these YAHs are a good idea. And Aberdeen Performing Arts has got a good record of working with young people to create good art. They use the phrase 'shaped and driven by the participants,' which is what I want to hear. Youth Art is not something to be left to adults.

Anyway, I think the press release can do my work now. I have the third act of Uncle Vanya (In Dub) to edit.

Ben Torrie, Director of Programming and Creative Projects, Aberdeen Performing Arts, said: "Aberdeen Performing Arts and its partners are thrilled and honoured to be selected to deliver a Youth Arts Hub for Aberdeen and the North East. There are nearly 150,000 young people living in Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire, and we are eager to enrich and improve the lives of as many as we can, particularly marginalised young people, looked after children and those from diverse cultural backgrounds. We also believe that this gives us a unique opportunity to engage with young people in order to build a more creative and vibrant cultural landscape for the region."

Leonie Bell, Director of Arts & Engagement, Creative Scotland, said: “Through making connections and developing new projects these Hubs will enable more children and young people to take part in creative activities close to where they live.

“These Hubs will not only create opportunities for young people to shine and express themselves creatively; but also by placing them at the heart of the creation and delivery of the new work, the young people will develop skills and expertise which will be invaluable to their futures.”

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