Thursday, 19 September 2013

Red Note Schedule

I love me some Red Note Ensemble. Since they are constantly coming up with premières, theatrical concerts, or revivals of contemporary classics, it's not surprising that I get mildly excited when their latest press release arrives in my inbox. 

I can forgive them being based in Edinburgh, even forgive them for touring work outside of the central belt. When RNE come to town, the only thing that doesn't surprise me is the quality.

Their first gig on this tour is one, sadly, not aimed at me. Who says contemporary classical can't be for all of the family?


Saturday 28 September 2.30pm: Noisy Nights Jnr @ UNESCO Family Day, City Halls, Glasgow 
Following on from the success of their informal Noisy Nights new music series, Scotland’s Red Note Contemporary Music Ensemble perform new music about Creatures and Fairy Tales written by students from King’s Park Secondary School. Come and hear the first works by tomorrow’s composers … and maybe get the chance to write some of your own.
Ticket Price: Free
Venue Candleriggs, Glasgow.

Monday 30 September 8pm: Noisy Nights at Traverse
Monday 9 December 8pm: Noisy Nights at TraverseNoisy Nights is fun, free and your chance to listen to (and compose for) the musicians of Red Note. Noisy Nights is a place to meet music-lovers, curious minds, musicians, composers and artists in an informal space and hear some of the best examples of brand new music. All sorts of music are welcomed here - as are all sorts of listeners. And, with the established 10 Minute Composer’s Challenge, the audience also get the chance to write their own pieces to be played by the ensemble after the interval. Students from King’s Park Secondary School will have their compositions performed from the UNESCO Family Day. If you’re a composer, visitto find out the instrumental line-up each time, and how to submit your scores.
Ticket: Price Free
Location Traverse Theatre, 10 Cambridge Street, Edinburgh,

Wednesday 23 October 6pm: Sound Festival - Framed Against The SkyOver the past few months Red Note Ensemble, Irish composer Brian Irvine and Scottish poet Billy Letford have been touring Aberdeen-Shire & City introducing people to new music and holding workshops in schools and open workshops during events. Participants have been helping Brian and Billy create a new piece of music which is being premièred tonight with their involvement alongside Red Note Ensemble.
Ticket Price: £8 / £6 / £3
Location Woodend Barn Banchory

Wednesday 23 October 8pm: Sound Festival - Go Compose! New pieces created by participants of the Go Compose! composition course. Young composers aged 13-18 who are still at school have work with professional composer Brian Irvine and musicians from Red Note Ensemble to create original pieces performed at Go Compose!
Ticket Price £5 (free to ticket holders of Framed Against The Sky)
Location Woodend Barn Banchory AB31 5QA

Monday 7 November - Saturday 9 November 7.30pm: Enough Already (Lachez Tout) Tramway, Glasgow (World Première)LOD|muziektheater / Red Note Ensemble / François Sarhan
Enough Already (Lachez Tout) is a music-theatre performance created by French composer-artist François Sarhan for actor, musicians, live sound effect artists, stop-frame animation and film. It is a funny secular parable in which meanings and relations between people, objects and events become increasingly absurd.
Ticket Price: £12/8 Early bird offer book by 28 October
Venue Tramway 1, 25 Albert Drive, Glasgow, G41 2PE

Monday 11 November 8pm: Torsten Lauschmann - Inconsistent Whisper & Matter in the Wrong 
Glasgow-based German artist Torsten Lauschmann explores the limits and possibilities of technology in an experimental performance-installation at Woodend Barn with Red Note Ensemble and local musicians. Taking inspiration from a variety of phenomena, from talking drums and Morse code to the game of Chinese Whispers, this absorbing work looks at the problems and the beauty of misinterpretations, misinformation and misunderstanding. Torsten will also present the results of his open visual lab residency at the Barn with Charlie Hammond. This work will use projections and objects, static and animated to explore play, failure and mistakes as creative potential.
Ticket Price: £12, £10 (conc), £7
Location Woodend Barn Banchory AB31 5QA

Tuesday 12 - Wednesday 13 Nov: (Enough Already) Lachez Tout performanceLOD|muziektheater / Red Note Ensemble / François Sarhan
Enough Already (Lachez Tout) is a music-theatre performance created by French composer-artist François Sarhan for actor, musicians, live sound effect artists, stop-frame animation and film. It is a funny secular parable in which meanings and relations between people, objects and events become increasingly absurd.
Ticket Price: £12/£8
Venue Summerhall, 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh, EH9 1PL

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