Monday, 17 June 2013


I'll get around to making salacious comments about this later. In the meantime, another unedited press release which might be of interest to any performers....

…though keyholes of flesh…

Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2013, 7-9pm
Assembly at George Square Gardens


ANATOMY is proud to announce a unique collaboration with Natural Shocks to curate a season of experimental performances inside PEEP, in George Square Gardens as part of Assembly’s Fringe programme.
PEEP is a brave new space: it was premiered at the Pleasance last year with a repertoire of theatre, but is expanding in 2013 to a full program of theatre, dance, cabaret, sound installation and live art. The audience are seated in private booths peeping on the unfolding show – but the artists can’t see them. It’s a peepshow, but definitely “not for the raincoat brigade” (The Guardian).
We are looking for exiting proposals of durational performances that capitalise on the venue’s unique spacing and connotations. Voyeurism, intimacy, the unseen, sex, gender, the body – we would actively encourage practitioners of all live art and performance to consider their discipline welcome and to engage with the space, theme and their own relation to the audience experience.
Accepted pieces may be programmed for 1-3 two hour slots over the course of August; please indicate in the form your interest in multiple performances, whether your work requires multiple performances to be fully played out, and what your availability is in August.
Entrance for each performance will be sold at £2 to encourage diverse audiences to sample PEEP; we anticipate high audience throughput, with audiences peeping in on just part of each performance, so proposals should keep this context in mind. Box office takings will be split 70/30 in the artist’s favour, net of all venue charges. Projected financial breakdowns are available on request.

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