Saturday, 13 April 2013

Happy 25th, Tramway

It's pretty clear that Tramway has been the most influential venue in my life. My career as a critic was inspired by the work that I saw against the Big Red Wall between 2002 and 2005. It might have been an accident that I moved into a flat just around the corner, but it terrifies me to realise that my relationship with Tramway has last longer than any relationship that I have had with a human being (excluding family members).

What I know of Nick Fells' work is mostly through the enthusiasm of his various students: he has been involved in the Soundlab programme, one of the City Halls' imaginative programmes to provide a platform for music not usually heard, and teaches at Glasgow University. Along with Kate Burton, he is intrigued by the way that a particular space engages with particular sounds.

I might be slightly jealous that he is getting to make those sounds in Tramway's fabulous space, and that he has captured sounds from the space itself. That red wall, built by Brook and always a towering presence in any production that happens in T1, turns an event into an occasion.

In any case, there are few better ways to celebrate a birthday than to have someone compose a special  tune for it. And there is a bonus feature....

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