Yes, I am trying to
start a conversation.
Within my lifetime,
science has become the dominant public intellectual paradigm. The claims of
fundamentalist Christianity not withstanding, it has become the primary author
on matters both ontological and social. Atheism, once a minority interest, has
become a badge of pride and although its connection to science isn’t absolute,
scientific thought is frequently invoked to defend it.
Unfortunately, there
is a widespread misunderstanding of what science is. Contrary to popular
belief, science is not a bunch of facts and theories. Science is defined by its
use of a method: the investigation of the universe through experimentation.
Taking the conclusions from these experiments and repeating them does not make a
person a scientist, anymore than a parrot quoting Hamlet’s Great Speech is an
When Christian
fundamentalists attack science – ostensibly to defend their literal readings of
The Bible – they complain that scientific truth is in a constant state of flux.
While their alternative authority is increasingly unpalatable (as well as a
very post-modern and deliberate misreading of The Bible’s intention), they are
identifying the strength of science: it is constantly evolving and improving.
To claim that this is a weakness only suggests that they haven’t imbibed the
truth in St Paul’s claim that “the wisdom of God is the folly of Man.”
Using the Straw Man of
Christian fundamentalism, I move into the Straw Man of the scientist. The
mistake of seeing science as a bunch of facts lead to the suggestion that
science, in itself, can become a religion. And while I respect the right of
anyone to live their life according to the tenets of natural selection and
quantum theory, it’s not science.
If science is the
application of the experimental method, religion is more difficult to define.
For working purposes, I call it an interrelated collection of beliefs and
behaviours that seek to explain the relationship between consciousness and the
(I’ve used consciousness
to avoid the gendered language of “humanity” and include the possibility of
consciousness on other planets, yet undiscovered.)
It’s almost
incidental, but religions tend to rely on scripture.
As soon as “scientists”
goes to war with Christianity – or Islam, or Judaism – it seems to slip into
being religious. It might not have
had the same violent impact on human society as its competition – aside from
the eugenics movement – and the label “religion” is not an insult. It’s just a
clarification of what is at stake.
To end: an anecdote
from my past. It was Harrow, the 1990s. A skeptic (sic) and a street evangelist
were throwing down outside the cinema. The evangelist insisted that God had
made the universe in six days. The skeptic countered that there were
alternative cosmologies, which more readily explained the features of the
physical realm. I listened for a while: one would quote Genesis, the other the Origin
of Species. I have to admit that the skeptic was more convincing, but his
blanket condemnation of religion was arrogant.
I humbly suggested
that their conversation was not necessarily the only one possible. Without
wanting to decay their ideas into a bland Golden Mean, I wondered whether a
theory describing how the variety of species had evolved really undermined a
parable about how consciousness became corrupted.
They both turned on
me. They agreed that I wasn’t “a proper Christian.”
Yeah, I can live with
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