Monday, 30 July 2012

Edinburgh Fringe Survival Guide

Reluctant as I am ever to say a nice word about a fellow critic - if I can't be nasty about them, the performers will probably get it instead - I heartily approve of Mark Fisher's programme in support of his book The Edinburgh Fringe Survival Guide. I wouldn't go so far as to say I've read it - the emphasis is on helping creatives through the Edinburgh maze - but I applaud both his willingness to support artists and risk his reputation by getting up on the stage.

I would like to point out that Mr Criticulous was doing chat shows over two years ago, and just because  Fisher is wittier, more professional and has a reason to be on the stage, there is no need to forget who the original performing critic is.

Having said that, I do recommend these events, so long as you mention that you read about them here.

Thursday 9 August
How to make your show a success
Fisher talks to the chief exec of the Fringe Society, the artistic director of the Traverse and a performer from Sexytime! I am pretty sure I can guess how Sexytime! got their audience - I saw the title and checked whether I was booked in to review it yet - but advice from a top producer and a consistently impressive theatre's boss can't help but help.

Friday 10 August
Are you giving the media what they want?
Lyn Gardner, Guardian theatre critic, Brian Logan, Guardian comedy critic, Miriam Attwood, former media manager for the Fringe Society now press officer for the National Galleries of Scotland, and Finn Anderson, writer of Streets the Musical... my advice is not to send pdf files as press releases. Bloody hard to cut and paste. 

Thursday 16 August 
How to keep body and soul together
Essential advice about surviving week two and beyond from Cora Bissett, Oliver Award-winning director of Roadkill, Guy Masterson, Oliver Award-winning director of Morecambe, Ian Fox, author of How to Produce, Perform and Write an Edinburgh Fringe Comedy Show, and Teresa Burns, co-director of How It Ended Productions.

Friday 17 August
Comics on comedy
How to have the last laugh as a Fringe comedian with Phil Nichol, Edinburgh Comedy Award winner, Josie Long, Edinburgh Comedy Award best newcomer 2006, and Jessie Cave, comedian, actor and Harry Potter star.

Thursday 23 August
Riding the highs and lows of Fringe fortune
How to deal with disappointment and make the most of a hit with Hannah Eidinow, five-times Fringe First winning director, Judith Doherty, producer of the multi-award winning Grid Iron, Peter Michael Marino, writer of West End flop Desperately Seeking Susan, and Nicola Foxfield, assistant producer with Fringe first-timers Hecate Theatre.

Friday 24 August
Life beyond the Fringe
Expert advice on developing your post-Fringe career from Vicky Featherstone, artistic director of the National Theatre of Scotland, Camille O'Sullivan, singing star of the Fringe and the Edinburgh International Festival, and Toby Gough, Herald Archangel-winning director. 

Cabaret Bar, Pleasance Courtyard ), 9, 10, 16, 17, 23 & 24 August 2012

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