Saturday, 2 June 2012

League of Extraordinary

In my campaign to do as little work as possible - but cling vaguely to the idea that I give respect where it is due - I am reprinting an extract from an interview that I did with Wendy Peace about a New York based organisation that intrigued me. The following explanation is all Wendy's: I just thought it was more interestingly written than my own attempts to summarise.

"The League of Professional Theatre Women (LPTW) is a great organisation for professional women involved in all aspects of the entertainment industries, but particularly theatre. It was founded by a group of women who were concerned by the lack of women playwrights, directors and artistic directors in high visibility positions. It's currently celebrating its 30th Anniversary! Its mission statement is to "promote visibility and increase opportunities for women in the arts", while also providing a support system, and a place to exchange ideas and creative skills. To become a member you must have worked in your discipline for at least 5 years, in some type of leadership role, "under standards set by the American unions and guilds". Membership is now nearly 500 strong and the League has definitely played a role in increasing the profile of women in the arts. For me it's also been a great resource of playwrights, directors, producers, etc. and they also happen to be women."

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