Sunday, 4 March 2012

JL Williams out of Opul

A few weeks ago, JL Williams came on my radio show to talk about her musical collaboration OPUL. It went rather well at the time, until I accidentally played a track by Dot Rotten, my Producer Harry stormed in and we engaged in one of our extended arguments about dubstep. At the time, however, I was pretty pleased: JL Williams had clued me into a new genre - Poetronica - which I now pretend to know all about at parties.

Aside from her releases on Black Lantern, it turns out Williams is a poet of some renown. As usual, my lack of research allowed me to appear insouciant, but I just found out that she has been  ‘Poet of the Month’ at the Scottish Poetry Library, is headlining at The Ivory this month and has a collection publishedCondition of Fire. And she has been on the proper radio - the BBC's Culture Cafe. 

Even though I am generally pretty ignorant about poetry (as well as everything else that isn't dance based), I am impressed by the eclecticism of Williams' output. I guess I still imagine poets to be delicate artists, going on about daffodils and that - unless they are Latin poets, in which case I have a vague idea of the conventions. 

Anyway, here are the details of the night...



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